Top 5 Reasons To Choose London For Podcast Production…

1. Location
London is the leading commercial and business capital of Europe. As the largest city in the UK, London’s population is estimated to be just under 10 million people. From museums and galleries to concerts and clubs, the capital is one of the world’s most exciting places to live, work and… record podcasts!
2. Talent
There are more people working in audio production in London than most, if not all cities in the world, and almost certainly the most in the UK. The city dominates the media sector in the UK with the majority of national newspapers, television and radio networks based in the capital. One thing is for certain… London has a huge pool of creative talent able to deliver high quality podcast content.
3. History
The capital has a rich history dating back almost 2000 years to when ‘Londinium’ was founded by the Romans! It has also had a strong historical connection with radio and audio production, which began in 1922 when 2LO began radio broadcasts from Marconi House on The Strand. Producing podcasts in London allows you to weave some of this varied history into the pod, or to include field recording from truly fascinating historical locations!
4. Connectivity
London is a global hub of connectivity with direct links to every continent on earth. With five major airports and a constantly record-breaking number of international visitors, it has been dubbed ‘the preeminent global city’. In most industries there is a high chance that important people are either based in the capital or passing through at some point in the year. So no matter which subject you are working on, there will always be enough key contributors or guests to make your podcast stand out!
5. Diversity
The capital is undoubtedly the most diverse region in the country. Research by The Trust of London shows that ‘46% of Londoners are Black and Minority Ethnic and 41% are not born in the UK’. You will find communities from every background, belief and corner of the globe in London! Diversity and inclusion are essential for all companies, and recording podcasts in London allows not only for diverse contributors and guests, but also diverse production staff!