Tag: Vox pops


Amazon follow-up research in Oxford Circus

Back in May 2024 we did some exciting market research for Amazon Prime Video, hitting the bustling Oxford Street in London to gather Vox Pops about their video platform. Well, guess what? We got called back for some follow-up interviews! This time, we wanted to capture what the ‘man on the street’ (as they’d say…
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Amazon Market Research in London

We were asked by Amazon Prime, who we’ve previously worked with on their Web Services and recording conferences and events for, to hit the streets of London and help gather some market research on their Prime Video via Vox Pops. We’ve already explained what a Vox Pop is before but if you need a little…
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Event Editing for Tanfield

On the 7th of February, we were invited back by Tanfield Chambers to help film their Spring Conference a ‘Follow Up Day with the BSA’ which they chose to produce at our favourite location, The Royal College of Surgeons, and you can see a glimpse into the whole day in the promo we also made on youtube here! It…
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Cornerstone Barristers: 2023 Planning Day

The Royal College of Surgeons is an historic location, with columns, archways and large conference rooms giving that grandiose feel, we shot and produced Cornerstone Barristers Planning 2022 conference last year, and this year we were back to help with the 2023 conference! Similar to the event last year, the day was filled with with…
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Tanfield Chambers: Spring Conference Video Shoot

On the 24th May 2023 the C60Media team visited the Ashworth Centre in London’s historic Lincoln’s Inn to film an event video for Tanfield Chambers Spring Conference. Tanfield is a leading property law chamber specialising in Real Estate and Property Law and one of the preeminent sets for property disputes in London. When it comes to…
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Netflix Vox-Pop shoot in Central London

We hit the streets of central London this week to record Vox-Pops (Man On The Street Interviews) for streaming giant Netflix. The aim was to capture on film what Londoners think about the popular service and its content? Where is Netflix going right? Where is it going wrong? Netflix remains the UK’s most popular streaming…
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Cornerstone Barristers: 2022 Planning Day Conference

The Royal College of Surgeons is an historic location, with columns, archways and large conference rooms giving that grandiose feel for the Cornerstone Barristers Planning 2022 conference. The day involved capturing keynote speaker Rebecca Phillips, professional lead in planning appeals and planning inspectorate as well as Dr Ashley Bowes and Estelle Dehon KC, all sharing…
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