Heathrow Terminal 5 Night Shoot

Heathrow Terminal 5 Night Shoot

At C60 we always like to keep our range of work varied, diverse, and interesting, well nothing’s more interesting than shooting an exclusive training video for British Airways at Heathrow Terminal 5 at the dead of night! British Airways wanted help recording an employee training video for scenarios where you could convince passengers to upgrade their tickets and journeys, having 2 real check-in workers play as the actors for this scenario.


Meeting up with Clients Paula and Mason West at 7:30pm, we had our usual team with head and director Peter Shevlin, assistant and runner Alphie Howard, Rob Lewis as cameraman 1, Sasha as cameraman 2, and Chris Roberts recording sound. We also had a new addition of Sadiye Ozkul as our standby makeup artist for whenever out actors needed a freshen up to reduce shiny skin and neat hair.

Terminal 5

Getting to the Airport at 7:30pm sure was a different experience, despite being the latest terminal with a hustle and bustle each day, the whole place was eerily quiet and empty, with signs lit up ready for the morning, and announcements falling on overnight employees who were probably tired of them by now. The night really kicked off at 8pm when all crew had arrived and had until 9-9:30pm to prepare kit, capture b-roll, and get in positions while actors Cathy (last name) and Kiran (last name) got dressed and makeup done for rehearsals.

Despite damp rainy weather, and what felt like a long night ahead, the whole shoot only lasted until 2am, wrapping up a whole hour earlier than expected, and file transferring to the C60 hard drive within taking 40 minutes which ran in the back while we helped pack the kit away and said our goodbyes.

Running into obstacles


It wasn’t all smooth sailing for the most part, as right from the beginning we had to shuffle our whole set up from Area J to the other end by Area A due to the environment just not popping right on camera. Something that feels rather tedious, but the final shot speaks wonders and makes the whole thing worth it, as comparing a bright busy background with figures walking past occasionally to a blank wood panel wall is night and day.

Our bigger issue that couldn’t be resolved but rather, had to be worked around was noises. Although having an empty terminal to yourself might make you think it’d be quiet as a mouse, there was still the background noise from all the electrics running, the cleaning staff doing their rounds, and construction taking place from 12-6am. Despite our best efforts there wasn’t actually much that we could do other than keeping an eye out for any oncoming hoovers or sweepers and wrapping up a shot just before they were within earshot, and in the case of the construction behind the scenes we could only stop and pick up around their erratic schedule.

It was also an interesting experience having to direct something along a script. With C60 we capture real and genuine responses, from our Vox Pop street interviews, to our many podcast collaborations, but where those had an outline that we could work with or around. However this time we had a strict script of what needed to be said and followed, with some open parts for slight adlibs to make it more genuine and believable. However despite the nerves of doing something new and taking control we believe it turned out amazing, and Cathy and Kiran clicked immediately with each other so directing them to act friendly and natural was a breeze.

Despite the flaws we ensure we caught numerous takes to give plenty of material and options of cutting around the small slip ups or noises.

Final thoughts

Overall we got to do something new, different, and very memorable. From standing behind a check-in desk, to learning about the tips and tricks to upgrading your journeys ticket, and the importance of socialising and being friendly with staff, we got a whole heap of knowledge for travelling just from a 6hr shoot! Here’s to hoping for any future collaborations with British Airways, or even any other cool opportunities that pop up, and as always we’ll be sure to keep you updated. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create resourceful training videos.

Our crew for the night who managed to survive till 3:30 am